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100% disk

  1. J

    Manually backup Fusion Drive

    Hi again folks, I've gone and done it again. Basically I let my Mac Mini Late 2014 download until the HDD was 100% full, and did a restart before realizing that this was the case. Long story short, my HDD is corrupted and I get the crossed out circle when trying to boot. Anyhow, I tried to do...
  2. keysofanxiety

    Resolved Windows 10 High Disk Usage Fixes/Other Fixes & Common Issues

    Hello all, Hope you're keeping in great spirits. Over the course of the last few months we've encountered a lot of bugs in Windows 10 that just hammer the disk (100% in Task Manager) and make the system unusable. A few other common problems too, so I figured I'd share what I know. If anybody...