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2017 5k imac upgrade

  1. K

    2017 27" fusion drive replacement - final questions

    Thanks to all who have posted on this topic. I've read a lot of build/repair reports, and just wanted to make sure I had the latest info/recommended parts (and my facts straight). Given the complexity of this process you can understand why I'd like to do it only once. In addition, it's...
  2. Andy5Kimac

    Which TIM to use for delidded i7 7700k?

    Hello. I purchased a used delidded i7-7700k and will upgrade my i5 2017 5k iMac. I want to relid the cpu and was wondering which Thermal paste is best to use besides liquid metal? (Previous owner used LM). Also this is my first time relidding a cpu. I have the delid/relid tool and will reseal...