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  1. theramajor

    Alfred vs Keyboard Maestro

    Does anybody use both Alfred and Keyboard Maestro? I'm an Alfred fanboy but from what I understand the main difference between the two is that KM has macro features. Doesn't Automator do the same thing as KM or am I missing something?
  2. supergaia

    alfred 3 & launchbar 6 , can i know where do they store their database?

    Hi i have download alfred 3 and launchbar 6 , they are trial and i'm tring ,i like both but alfred 3 is amazing may i know where does alfred 3 and launchbar 6 store their database? do they have their personal database or do they use (both) spotlight database? and is there a way to clean/empty...
  3. SamVilde

    Launchbar vs. Alfred

    I am a hardcore and devoted Quicksilver user, and have been using it - for everything - since I discovered it in 2004. These days with every new machine, and every new operating system, I wonder what I'll do when QS can't keep up, or the volunteer developers have better things to do. So I...
  4. Sovon Halder

    Guide - QuickTime Custom Controls / Shortcuts

    Does anybody know how to access/edit/delete the controls/settings of the native QuickTime Player in Sierra/High Sierra ? Why isn't it there any preferences option? It would be nice to be able to change the controls like.. . Increasing scrubbing speed . Seeing the % of current volume level...