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apple pricing

  1. haralds

    MP All Models Historical Apple Prices with Inflation Adjustments

    There was an article floating around with historical Apple prices. It did not go through the trouble of translating it into inflation adjusted current prices. I did. The net: Macs incl Mac Pros are cheaper than in the past. The Mac IIfx was the closest thing to a Mac Pro and it came in at...
  2. smoking monkey

    Steve Jobs quote worth thinking about...

    Steve said (not sure when, but seems to be a couple of years prior to his passing as he was quite skinny) re the iPad, but I think this is across the board for Apple products due to their more premium pricing. "...that's what a lot of customers pay us to do. We try to make the best...
  3. Huntn

    How Long Can Apple Sustain This Ridiculous Pricing?

    Could not locate a better forum, so plunked it here. Two decades ago when Apple briefly licensed the MacOS, I bought a reasonably priced non Apple desktop running it. After recently pruchasing my 5th or so Mac laptop and easily paying double for equivalent capabilities on a PC laptop, I have to...