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  1. Snorfon

    iPhone Message Storage: number don't add up

    Hi all ! iPhone 11, iOS13. I need to free up space to shot a long video. Look at those screenshots. The Message app is supposed to take up 34,75gb. But when i look at the Main convos, Photos, Videos, Gifs and others numbers doesn't add up. So not only it's a real pain to select manually all...
  2. Sovon Halder

    Mail App - view attachments as icons?

    Is there any way I can setup the mail app or the Big Sur OS itself, so that the attachments, be that photo, or a pdf containing a photo remains as a thumbnail? I can't seem to figure out a way to do this. This is how it looks now.
  3. V

    Cannot attach file to email

    I am on Mac OS 10.10.5 (Yosemite). Recently I started to have problem that I cannot attach a file to the email. If it is longer than 80K - 100K then a failure. Local client like or thunderbird just refuse to send such email with attachment, with the message that connection was lost. I...
  4. carlsson

    Drag attachments to Mail stopped working in Sierra

    In earlier versions of the OS I could drag a file from Finder on top of the Mail icon, press space and Mail would open, and I could continue the dragging there. I could even create new mails, reply or whatever, still while holding the attachment with the mouse. The file was draggable as long as...