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  1. S

    How to Automate Focus Modes based on calendar events?

    I'd like to create an automation of my focus mode based on a calendar event text in it's topic. Let's say from 9h to 12h i created an event in my calendar called "Labor in project x". I'd like that automatically my focus mode is set to "Work" at 9h until 12h by recognizing in my event the...
  2. M

    Automator script to change created date using metadata Date

    Hi. Im trying to find or create an automator script to change MP4 files created date to match the date found in the EXIF/Metadata. When I download it from the cloud the date no longer matches the date the file was originally created. I get and understand why it doesn't but what I am looking for...
  3. S

    macOS Automator shell script problem

    Hi, I'm trying to run two instances of Firefox, but the shell script I'm using inside Automator returns an error. I'm not greatly familiar with scripting (done a little AppleScripting in the past) so found instructions from the following page to help...