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  1. D


  2. M

    Help with restoring new Macbook Pro

    Hello! Last month my MBP was stolen, and I couldn't recover it. I finally received my replacement last night. Just got some questions about restoring my new laptop from my backups. So I backed up my previous MBP using both time machine and backblaze. I will preface by saying I'm an idiot cause...
  3. dimme

    Blackblaze first backup to take 166 days???

    I have been using crashplan for 6 years and have about 1.4 TB of data backed up. With the new crashplan service I thought it may be time for something different. Crashplan does not offer restore via a hard drive anymore but backblaze does, also they are a bit cheaper I am trying out backblaze...
  4. jagooch

    Is there a trick to speed up Backblaze?

    I'm doing an initial Backblaze backup of around 6TB total. After 2 weeks of non-stop backing up, it's completed 1.3TB or 650GB / week. If it doesn't speed up, it will take roughly 2 months total or 6 more weeks for my initial backup to complete. My performance settings are: Manual Throttle...
  5. V

    Backblaze security

    Does one need to enter a Private Encryption Key to be sure that all data is secure on Backblaze or would the data be secure enough for a normal human being on their servers ?
  6. Gixene


    Hello MacRumors Community, Note: I would post this thread in Mac Apps and Mac App Store, but I feel as if those members here in the Mac Basics and Help would be of more help in this topic. Since I do not have an online backup solution, I began searching. I found a provider called Arq...