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  1. Z

    do flip cases close iPhones?

    I want to get an older iPhone so that when i close its flip case the phone will close, just like an iPad. Is this possible for iPhones?
  2. emraha06

    Does overheat damage the speakers?

    I have found my mbp 16 running for hours with closed lid and when i touched the aliminum body, all the places were extremely hot. Does this damage to speakers? the other parts seems normal (benchmark tests normal)
  3. L

    Vanish - Hide/Close inactive apps

    Hello! I've made an inactive apps manager app called Vanish. Vanish can hide or close inactive apps after a set period of time. You can set the option to hide or close for each individual app and you can disable hiding/closing for each app as well. Vanish can also close apps after closing the...