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core data

  1. M

    iOS How do I modify the data on my app's SQLite database?

    I'm investigating a defect in my iOS game, the state of which is stored in an SQLite database. The bug occurs in a given state, and so I'd like my application to already be in that state when I launch it for debugging purposes. How do I do this?
  2. G

    iOS Core Data Issues

    I am building an app and it relies on Core Data to save and retrieve my hockey favourites. The issue I have is with retrieving. I don't understand why it retrieves all the players multiple times until you can't add any more favourites. It should retrieve only the players you favourite not all of...
  3. M

    iOS A Couple of Questions About iOS Programming

    I'm in the process of writing my first App that I will publish to the App Store (Xcode 8, iOS 10). I plan on doing most of the code writing without a developer account then buying one when I reach a point where it's required (CloudKit). As I am going out of pocket for this app, I plan to...
  4. M

    iOS Obj-C: NSManagedObject init within a related object's awakeFromInsert causes EXC_BAD_ACCESS

    I have two entities and two NSMangedObject subclasses. One entity, which we'll call Alice, has a to-many relationship with the other entity - which we'll call Bob. When an Alice object is created, it needs to have an associated Bob object so that my other code works. Here's the code from my...
  5. M

    iOS Core Data not saving - again

    I realize I created another thread like this two years ago. My problem then was a bit different. My problem now is this: I have an NSManagedObject containing an NSMutableArray of NSIndexPaths. As before, all changes persist only in RAM. Edit: My NSMutableArray is stored in Core Data under a...