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  1. M

    iPhone 11 Pro Max 256Gb & iCloud+ or 512Gb???

    iCloud+ or Internal Storage To put in context; A couple of weeks ago I bought a 256Gb iPhone 11 Pro Max on BackMarket, after uploading the backup I realized that I have 80Gb left and I thought about buying the same device with 512Gb now that I am in the withdrawal period or continue with this...
  2. lbdesign

    Tablets Google Pixel Slate vs iPad Pro? (with keyboard)

    In looking at a portable WORK solution, I'm considering the new Pixel Slate with keyboard, vs an iPad Pro with keyboard. The keyboard experience really matters to me. A lot. But so does multitasking and real productivity. A good browser. Chrome extensions. Speed. I have an iPad Pro 12.9. I...
  3. joshwithachance

    Other Everyone Talking about XS/Max Pricing as if the XR Doesn't Exist...

    Since the keynote the internet has basically been in an uproar about how expensive the XS (particularly the XS Max) is, but what did people expect? Apple wasn't going to lower the price of the XS to slot the Max in at last year's X pricing. And the reason for that is because Apple has the XR to...
  4. L.Ovidiu

    Need some tips for buying a MBP as a secondary laptop @newbie alert

    Hello everyone, i'm new on this forum and same on "macbooks world", so don't blame me so hard if i'm asking something wrong. First of all, i'm a student and i'm working as a web designer from home which demands the use of 1 browser with 5-15 tabs opened, sometimes even more, photoshop and...