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  1. robertcoogan

    USB drive format (Ubuntu<->macOS)

    I'd think I'm going to need software for giving my macOS read/write access to a 32GB USB drive that is formatted ext4. I was looking at Paragon's extFS for Mac, but wasn't sure if it was worth the buy. Is there a way to allow read/write to drives from the Terminal? Or some free software perhaps? 😬
  2. Larvas

    Easiest way to format an SD Card to EXT4 on M1 Mac?

    Hey guys, I'm struggling a bit right now so wanted to ask for advice. Does anyone have experience formatting an SD Card from Fat32 to EXT4 on an M1 Mac? All that I'm finding are guides for Windows and tutorials for AOMEI Partition Assistant, but neither of them are an option for me right now...
  3. V

    mbp 2012 cant install linux - ext4 creation issue

    Trying to get mac mid 2012 13" to install/dual boot ubuntu. Running Catalina w/ bootloader 424 and the original apple HDD 500G spinning drive. I have tried multiple linux distro installs and also using ReFind, but virtually every installation fails when trying to create the EXT4 partition. I...
  4. CocktailHour

    Format ext, Copy Files

    Hello! I'm running 10.13.6, and need to put my film on a Linux formatted drive so that a movie theater can play it. This means I need to format a thumbdrive for say, ext3, then mount it, and then use something like cp to copy the files over. Been searching all over, but only finding...