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external harddrives

  1. M

    Transferring a FCPX Project/Library/Event issue

    I am having a difficult time transferring/ migrating an ongoing FCPX project, from FCPX 10.0.8 to FCPX 10.4.1 I think I have either : 0A - performed the procedure incorrectly, iForgot something perhaps? 0B - It can’t be done, I’m making too far of a jump between versions of Final Cut Pro...
  2. JediStarWars

    HDs Randomly Eject From MBP, Why? + Might Need Recommendations for Reliable Hub to Connect Multiple External Hard Drives

    Hi there! I have a 2.7 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 MBP (15", 2016) and I use a HooToo Hub so I can connect multiple external hard drives. For some reason, my external hard drives occasionally eject randomly with the "Disk Not Ejected Properly" warning. I'm obviously concerned about damaging my...