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firmware lock

  1. B S Magnet

    Xs 1,1-3,1 The case of Linus (S., not T.), and the Xserve3,1

    In which Linus, of LinusTechTips, digs into an Xserve3,1 and… well, watch away: To longtime Xserve users and older colo admins, it’d be worth reading your observations on this and reflecting on your own experiences, past and present. I can count on two fingers the number of times I’ve been...
  2. C

    Locked out of Recovery Mode

    My aunt has a 2015 Macbook Air, that she purchased as a referb in 2020. The computer had Catilina on it, and she needed a newer OS to run a certain peice of software. To upgrade to Montery, I had to reformat the HFS hard-drive as APFS. After doing this, I installed Monterery. Now it imideaetly...
  3. jwatters579

    Frozen on boot. Firmware lock

    I currently have Catalina Public Beta running. I went to boot up and the startup is frozen. I tried restarting in recovery mode and immediately get the firmware lock screen. What can I do to get my MacBook back?
  4. beachball doom

    can I upgrade the harddrive on a machine with a firmware password?

    Hi My girlfriend has a macbook pro, second hand which she has been using for several years. I am preparing to update the harddrive and I thought I would test to see if it would boot from the new harddrive externally. Booted with option key down and voila - firmware password box. I've been...
  5. R

    Resolved ADMIN RIGHTS!!!

    Hi guys I don’t know much about fourms or what I can give out without a big backlash of why I handed this information out (because you know theifs!) but I wanted to tell people about this thing I found that allowed me to make my own user account that had Administrative privileges without...
  6. TorTor24

    iMac locked up like Ft.Knox!

    I have a 2011 iMac that was of course working just fine. I got an alert it had been locked with my iCloud so powered up, and on the screen it says disabled try again in 60 minutes and has a fake email at the bottom to email if I can't get the iCloud unlock password. According to Apple, my iMac...