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  1. Alvin777

    Any Safari Extension to Make A Site Infinite Scroll

    Hi Mac friends. In an age of a lot of RAM, websites are still not all continuous or infinite scroll, they still let you click 'Next' making you render a page at time and sometimes there are hundreds of pages that the search result has showed (eBay, Amazon is also a culprit- the results should...
  2. H

    2020 iPad Air Randomly Defaults to “Force Touch”

    Hello- Randomly (mostly at the end-of-the day) my 2020 iPad Air “defaults” to Force Touch mode (long press) I’m attaching a video screenshot below. Restarting my iPad (even locking my screen to turn off Touch ID) temporarily fixes the problem only to return about 24-hours later. I am running...
  3. BigVern84

    How much force is normal to install 2017 iMac Ram?

    Hi. Just finished installing extra Crucial ram in my new 2017 iMac, but I'm a bit concerned about how much force was needed. I ended up pushing VERY firmly down using two finger, to the point there was a few very slight plasticky creaking nosies from the inside. I might just be being OCD with my...