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  1. rgetter

    Safari problem with Oregon Covid vaccine scheduling

    Oregonians FYI, Use Chrome not Safari when scheduling an online appointment for a Covid vaccine using the Oregon Health Authority tool. Safari does not display the Next button on the page where you submit your personal information. That page looks entirely different in Chrome and includes the...
  2. T

    Emailing Photos with a Consent Form

    Hi! I work for a public library and we have been taking green screen pictures of patrons for special events (using Green Screen by Do Ink) which we then email to them. We are looking for a solution that would allow people to opt-in to receiving emails from the library about future events...
  3. Readdlemate

    Readdle Launches Education Pricing for the PDF Expert Mac App

    We received a lot of messages from students who were eager to study a lot, but for various reasons could not afford the app at that time. Well, here at Readdle, we do respect education and people involved in it, regardless of who you are: a student, professor or a scholar. Special Education...