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  1. MarckyG

    Netflix on Mac gamma flicker whenever the picture changes

    I read old posts about this but never has anyone had a solution for it. What I mean is, when watching Netflix on Mac in fullscreen the gamma of the whole screen changes whenever the video has a drastic image change. Most noticeable when subtitles are enabled. Every time the subtitle turns on and...
  2. basilt

    Which Gamma 1.8 /2.2 , PPC vs Macintel

    hello, I am still a PPC G5 user but not for long as i bought a macpro 1.1 (2.1) model, used, recently. I have a cinema 21" display and use D65, 1.8 gamma for ages. I mainly set this gamma for prepress applications and worked ok insofar. I do though change my workflow, adding more video to my...
  3. JulianBlau

    Macbook Pro 13" Gamma/Contrast shift, when in Fullscreen Video. (Only Safari and QuickTime)

    Hey there, As the tittle says, i have a pretty ugly problem with QuickTime Player and Safari. It is as follow: I open a video of any type in either QuickTime or Safari (YouTube, Vimeo). As soon as i go Full-Screen, it immediately changes the Contrast (or Gamma). Blacks start to get crushed...