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  1. M

    GFXBench Uninstall Guide

    If you installed GFXBench and GFXBench Metal to test your new system, you might not be aware that it leaves over 1GB of install files behind when you delete it. These are located at: GFXBench GL: /Users/<user_name>/Library/Containers/net.kishonti.osx.GFXBench/Data/Library/Caches/Kishonti...
  2. zooole

    Low benchmark scores (SE)

    Hi! I have a 64Gb SE with iOS 9.3.2. I noticed some problems with games like Real Racing 3, where while racing, during LoD changes it stutters. General performance is 30 FPS (I think it's locked), but when it's loading something, it immediately drops frames which make it almost unplayable. At...