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  1. J

    iPhone Instagram - Hashtags

    Hi All I'm sorry if this isn't the right place, but I thought if anyone would know, someone here will: I understand how hashtags work - in that adding hashtags to a post will hopefully broaden the audience for a post. But, I have a mate who insists that it's fine to have a hashtag without gaps...
  2. coolfireblue

    Using Siri to tag in Notes 🥵

    Using Siri to tag something in the Notes app doesn’t show up as an active tag #️⃣ It just shows up as text with a hashtag at the front of it. However, when you use the keypad it works perfectly – turns yellow, is active and will get sorted and organised - as it ought. Dictating, “new line” or...
  3. frittaa

    iPhone Cornea App - An AI that can predict popularity of your photos

    Hey Everyone, Happy to introduce CorneaAI: Cornea (App Store link: is what a photo editing app should be in the age of Artificial Intelligence, no guesswork, no fiddling with a zillion editing options...