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icloud music library

  1. S

    Apple Music 100.000 iCloud Music songs limit

    Hi all, I am aware this will be already in another thread but I am new on Apple Music and I have a simple question about the 100.000 limit songs for iCloud. I am confused here because I found different opinions about it in internet. My doubt is, with an Apple Music subscription, apparently...
  2. J

    iCloud Music Library out fo Sync

    Starting last week I had a bunch of old playlists popping back up in my Apple Music app. But it also not saving changes I've made to ratings and tags of songs. I have never had this issue until last week So I will go and update the two hundred or so new songs, the updates look to stick and...
  3. H

    Problem with Music app loading

    I have a M1 MBP running Big Sur 11.6. I have a music library of 31 GB, resident on the local HDD. Thinks have been 'OK' (though I consider iTunes to have been a seriously-flawed program in 2001 which got more flawed with each iteration, and the Music app has maintained that devolution). But I...
  4. D

    Apple Music Is iCloud Music Library for iTunes Match working for you?

    I am running iTunes on a Windows 10 PC. I am an iTunes Match subscriber, and iTunes Match is scheduled to renew in 8 days on July 26. Yesterday, I added about 100 songs and only a handful either matched or didn't match and got added to my iCloud Music Library. For the rest of the songs, the...
  5. boabmatic

    Is there a way to only upload a selection of local music to Icloud library ?

    Hi all, Currently I'm subscribed to apple music which I use on my iphone XS and an old iphone 6 (for in the car) both with icloud Library enabled. I have a Macbook pro that has GB's and GB's of local music that I use for DJin but that has icloud library disabled. Is there a way to enable the...
  6. T

    My (star) ratings for songs aren't syncing between iTunes & my iOs Devices

    I have been having problems with the (star) rating for my songs aren't syncing between my iMac and my iPhone & iPad. Usually if i add the a rating to my iPhone or iPad it syncs to my iMac. However, when i add a rating (ex. 4 stars) on my iPhone, it doesn't sync to my iMac. Does anyone else have...
  7. Basagui

    Icloud music library won’t sync..

    Hey guys. I’ve currently changed my 6 to X. I restored my back up, and everything was all fine and just perfect, until I found out my musics that I put into the 6(mostly J-Pops that are not found in Apple music) won’t sync into my new X. To help you understand my situation, I have four apple...
  8. nelson1457

    HomePod 'Hey Siri, Volume Up!'

    On my HomePod, I listen to playlists containing multiple artists. The originals come from many sources, CDs, purchases on Apple & Amazon, etc. They have different volume levels, as is to be expected. Now, I’d think the iCloud Music Library and the HomePod computer would be smart enough to...
  9. P

    No iCloud Music Library - so what is Downloaded Music?

    I have a very large music library and I prefer high quality music files (Apple Lossless). Most of my music was purchased on CD and imported as Apple Lossless tracks. I rarely purchase tracks from Apple. I am finally giving Apple Music a try but I have no interest in using the iCloud Music...
  10. TN4U

    Can't Remove Some Songs from My iCloud Library

    I added a playlist that contained a song I already had in my library from a different album. For some reason, iTunes decided to "add" it to my library, despite having the option where adding songs to your playlists also adds it to your library turned off (If that matters)... As you can see, I...
  11. powderizedbookworm

    How to Reset iTunes Library Without Losing My Playlists

    I am frequently playing with my local iTunes library, since I find that everything goes much more smoothly the more I can have properly matched files and things, so I usually am pretty good at manipulating iCloud Music Library. I am at a bit of a loss right now. I am trying to reset my iCloud...
  12. T

    Apple music playlists problem

    Hi, In itunes on my desktop i have 10 tracks in a certain order, but on my iphone in music they appear in a different order, pretty much back to front, how can i change this so my phone reflects the order in itunes? I have gone to edit playlist in itunes, sort by manual order, but they dont...
  13. J

    apple music downloaded album

    I personal like purchase the albums than have on apple music, i used to have just the 3month trial and i downloaded one album and when my trial ended i just turned off apple music and came back with my purchased songs, so i have the album that i downloaded on apple music and now with ios 10 is...
  14. T

    Cant add music to iphone problem

    Ok, So i enabled icloud music library, and i get that you cant just drag and drop tracks from your finder window onto your phone via itunes now, but how do i get a track from my finder window into a playlist in itunes now?!? Every time i try to do this it says 'icloud music library enabled etc...
  15. EmilyB613

    Why are my iTunes Hidden Purchases showing up in Apple Music app?

    (Running iOS 10 public beta 2 on iPad 4) Forgive me if this has been addressed, but I noticed my iTunes Hidden Purchases suddenly showed up in my iCloud Music Library. I hide purchases for my own reasons, but this influx of music I didn't want to see is a bit of a nuisance. Mind you, it's not...
  16. doolittle27

    High quality album artwork on iCloud Music Library

    I notice that when streaming/download music from the iCloud Music Library, the album artwork is being downloaded in low-quality (even they're purchased music from iTunes Store). Is there any way to resolve this?
  17. ZMacintosh

    iCloud Music Library...?

    I purchase all of my music from iTunes. no CD rips or imports...all iTunes based. So when i have iCloud Music library disabled in iTunes and select 'Show iCloud Music Purchases' I can see all of my iTunes music purchases (iTunes in the cloud) and choose to download them or not) When i enable...
  18. O

    Problems with iCloud Music Library and Macbook sharing songs to iPhone

    Basically the problem i am having is this... On my Macbook, the iTunes library consists pretty much of songs i have burned from CD's or songs i have downloaded from sources other than the iTunes Store. I have aimed to have a completely separate library on my iPhone , which consists only of...