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  1. blackxacto

    Why don't Monterey Apple Mail Rules apply to iOS Mail?

    19,1 iMac, Monterey 12.0.1 with iOS15.1: If I make an Apple Mail rule in macOS, doesn't that apply to iOS15.1 if they are signed into the same Apple account?
  2. james_b

    Battery dead over night drained by Siri

    Hello, this is what happened to me today on my iPhone 13 running latest iOS 15.1.1. So far my iPhone had a phenomenal battery life. But yesterday I went to sleep and the battery had more than 50 % which i thing is normal. In the morning i woke up and my iPhone was completely dead. I connected it...
  3. torbjornhb

    Mail takes forever to load...

    Anyone else experience that it takes very long time to load mail? The red icon that indicates the number of emails appears, but nothing is displayed in the app. The Gmail app displays the mail immediately, but it may take 5-10 minutes for it to appear in your Apple mail app. By the way, running...
  4. L

    How to remove profile photo from shared notes?

    I added a profile photo on icloud shared notes by mistake from my Macbook now I can’t remove it and I don’t have access to my macbook Is there any way to remove it??
  5. J

    iPhone 13 Pro Data hangs when on WiFi

    I’m finding that network requests occasionally hang and I have to turn WiFi off and on again to get data to start flowing again. This happens in multiple apps (including Safari) and on multiple different networks. I have restarted the phone since the problem started. I didn’t have the issue on...
  6. blackxacto

    Have forgotten how to access my iMac from my 11” iPad Pro?

    19,1 iMac, macOS latest, 11” iPad Pro w iOS15.1, using same icloud account on both devices: I have file sharing and screen sharing ON on the iMac, but I have forgotten how access my music library or files on the iMac. Is there a setting in iOS15.1 that I have not turned on? Or have I forgotten...