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ipod touch 7th gen

  1. BigBen2493

    iPod touch Does anyone deal with PWM Eye Strain/ Headaches on the Ipod Touch?

    I saw on this notebook check review of the 7th gen model that it flickers at a very low 100 Hz so I wanted to ask the community to find out if its bothering people like it does on the iPhones? Even though its LCD and it shouldn't have PWM...
  2. dadders6

    iPod touch iPod touch - front camera

    I use android phone, but my kids have iPhone. I was considering getting an iPod touch, just to use for FaceTime with them, over Wifi, since the 32 gig is so inexpensive. But the specs show the front camera is ONE megapixel !? How bizarre that any supplier is even making a One megapixel these...