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  1. BenDeroo

    Tags marked on images to be shown in pdf

    Couldn't find a direct answer, so here is my question: A bunch of images have been marked by me with custom tags (architecture) It is possible to select these images and have Sonoma generate a pdf (standard function) I would like the tags (living room, bedroom) to show in the generated pdf as...
  2. Alvin777

    Font Sizes in Millimeters

    Hello Mac friends. What is the default Apple font size (which font, is it 12, 14 or 16 or another size) and how many millimeters is that in real life. I'd like to base my actual lettering based on Apple's default (or your size in millimeters recommendations if possible). I'll be using freehand...
  3. EmPPgamer

    Email Account 'Description' field - Can't find it anywhere in Settings?

    I partially set up an iPad by doing a restore from back up which brought across the descriptions (labels / names effectively) that had been set for old email accounts. These descriptions are then applied in the Mail app so they mean something more, and are far shorter, than lengthy email...
  4. dvvdv

    Organising Finder?

    How do you keep your Finder organised? What folders or labels do you use? Any tips or maybe even screenshots are appreciated, as I need to clean up my Mac!
  5. often-befuddled

    Seeking straightforward label printing software

    I have a need for label printing software. It should: Print on a variety of labels on 8.5x11 sheets Import XLS files; alternately some other data-file format such as XML... Run on various OSXi versions. Is simple to run. {Setup can be harder but...} Can start half-way through a sheet of labels...
  6. O

    Sierra Maps - no labels in satellite view?

    I seem to have lost labels (street names, POI, etc) when in satellite view. I have tried toggling the labels in the 'show' pop-up, and I've also tried deleting '~/Library/Containers/' folder. No luck so far. Any suggestions? Thanks for reading!
  7. ArisHorizon

    Folder label highlighted???

    Hello ! The labels of my folders are highlighted but I haven’t changed anything and I can’t understand why and how to fix it. Any ideas ?
  8. kathryne_B

    Colored Label for Files

    Does anyone know if there is a way to change the preset color dots for labels/tags to different shades, like it was able to be done in the older versions of OS X, where when you wanted to change the shades of label, a wheel would come up, to be able to change the to different shades. Or am I...