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laptop replacement

  1. Populus

    iPad Pro Should I keep this iPad Pro 11” or wait for the next MacBook Pro? Will the iPad Pro be enough?

    Hello. I’m the owner of an old 2010 MacBook Pro 13” that has been my main device for almost 10 years. But it started to show it’s age, and now it is a heavy, slow device with a blurry screen (yeah, I’m already used to retina resolutions) and poor battery life. During the past couple of years...
  2. M. Gustave

    iPhone productivity thread

    The iPad forum here is full of red meat threads where people fight to the death over whether the iPad is a "laptop replacement" or not, and how well it does "productivity" tasks. It's funny because the iPhone can do most of the same tasks, runs virtually the same iOS features (minus split screen...
  3. sunapple

    I've ditched every iPad I've ever owned within six months.

    So basically, I like new things too much. I got my first gen iPad in the same week it launched in 2010. It seemed so great to be able to do everything I did on my iPod touch on a bigger screen and it was! But it felt kinda bulky and I ended up buying a MacBook Air 11" which could do a lot...