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location data

  1. K

    iPhone 13 Pro Max Location related question

    Hello all, I have changed some things in the past in location settings to save some battery. Now when I disable network and wireless I get a pop up that this may affect the use of UWB (bluetooth wifi etc) - will this then also affect the use of airtags?
  2. S

    iOS Instagram app is tracking our location secretly!

    - iPhone 12 Pro running iOS 14.2 - Instagram Version 165.0 Inside the Instagram app you can view your “login activity” which is tracked with precise location down to the city. View by: - Go to Settings - Select Security - Select Login Activity Now, inside your iPhones location services...
  3. MiniApple

    Solved: manually adding location data to photos afterwards?

    Is there a way to add location data (whether it's just a city or exact GPS coordinates) to photos after the fact on iPad, iPhone (or Windows that then work on iPad) since my Mam took the photos, with the location data function turned off? There seems to be a way on MacOS...
  4. thewhitehart

    Location data not appearing above photos

    I’ve had this problem since beta 4. Location data no longer appears above photos taken with iPhone 7 after beta 4 release on either the iPhone 7 or iPad 6th gen. The map is shown below the photos though. I tried resetting location data, removing and adding location permission, deleting and...