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  1. CoffeeMacBook

    Which video conferencing camera / webcam are you using for M1?

    Hey everyone, quick question. If you're working in office or perhaps at your home office, aside from the built-in webcams on the M1 Laptops, which web camera or video conferencing devices are you using? Which one would you recommend? I'm looking for some 4K alternatives, but Logitech seems to...
  2. A

    All iPads Remotely control an Ipad for people in lockdown.

    My mother is in the hospital which is now locked down and we are unable to get in to see her. We can talk via Facetime but she complains about some applications not working correctly. I'd like to remotely connect and control and view her screen to see what's up with the device (It's an Ipad Mini...
  3. MikeyN

    Taming Sierra for privacy, security, battery life, running cool and general sanity

    The advent of SIP was another step into the walled garden that Apple wants its users to dwell in, doing not much more as pondering how to best spend more money on Apple products. If Sierra would have been a well designed and developed OS then SIP might have been actually a welcome hardening...