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macintosh garden

  1. pipetogrep

    Soundflower for PowerPC Now On The Garden

    It turns out finding old Sowndflower releases for PowerPC was a royal pain in the arse. I had to get them from the wayback machines's backup of the old Google Code archive (which is now down). I figured others may want an easier place to find them so I put the two versions that work with Tiger...
  2. AmazingHenry

    iOS SDK for PowerPC

    Interesting find. Was browsing the Macintosh Garden and I found a version of the iOS/iPhone OS SDK for PowerPC. It's version 2.2.1, so it's too old for any serious work, but it's probably fun if you have an older iPhone. Download it here. I haven't tested it yet but I assume you need Xcode 3.1...