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  1. D

    magic mouse 3 lag

    why does magic mouse work worse than a third-party mouse? look at this cursor delay there is no interference, I have disabled wi-fi and bluetooth in the house mac mini m2 sonoma 14.3.1
  2. D

    mac m2 panic cpu 6 caller

    panic(cpu 6 caller 0xfffffe001b17bb24): "apcie[2:lan-1gb]::handleCompletionTimeoutInterrupt: completion timeout linksts=0xa9000200 pcielint=0x00804010 linkcdmsts=0x00000100 (ltssm 0x0=DETECT_QUIET)\n" @AppleT811xPCIePort.cpp:1639 Debugger message: panic Memory ID: 0xff what is it? Has...