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maverick os

  1. B

    Internet Recovery error -2003F

    I have an old 2013 Macbook air that I’ve tried to recover using Internet Recovery but twice got error 2003F. Third time’s the charm and it is now installing Big Sur from Internet Recovery. What could have caused the 2003F error? Read a few articles online and some of them mentioned that is...
  2. Spookytree

    ISO/DMG for OS X Mavericks

    I need an OS X Mavericks iso/dmg image. Where can I find one? I’ve tried internet archive but my internet always times out before I complete the download. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. J

    Macbook Pro Osx Mavericks stressful issues!

    Hi Guys, New to this forum as I've been looking around for days for a solution for my MacBook pro 17inch mid 2009. It has come into my possession from a friend who cleared it completely before handing it over. It was running mavericks which I understand is my main issue as I have tried to...
  4. maverick28

    macOS How to get the Web-Inspector of Safari 7 in Safari 9?

    Hello, My question is as stated in the subject: how to get the web-inspector of Safari 7 back in Safari 9 for Mavericks?
  5. C

    Kernel Panic Problem - MP1.1 to 2.1 - Mavericks

    Hi Family, This is my first post here! Until now I was just a follower, specially cause I wanted to upgrade my macpro 1.1 to a 2.1. Finally I did, and now Im having some issues with something that I can not discover by myself. So that's the main reason why Im trying to ask you. First, sorry if...
  6. C

    Need help installing Maverick on macmini 2,1 with no other macs available

    I've been gifted a macmini 1,1, which I've upgrade to "2,1" (i.e. slapped a C2D T7400 in it + 4 GiB of RAM and an SSD), which has made it somewhat reasonable speed wise. I want to use the machine for some toy software projects which require access to frameworks that aren't available in SL...
  7. Tunahan

    I need someone who has Mavericks on his mac

    Hey friends, I need someone who has running Mavericks on his mac and upload Mavericks's "" for me. What I want to do is a bit weird but I want to use Mavericks's dock on my High Sierra that I use right now. Someone found a solution for this and I share the link below...
  8. dancks

    How to install iPhoto

    I'm trying to get my mom's computer to automatically back up photos to an external drive whenever there is an update. iCloud is full and she doesn't want to purchase more space, apparently. Problem is the computer was upgraded after a hard drive replacement a long time ago, and extra apps that...
  9. K

    MacBook Pro boot problems

    Hi, my MacBook Pro late 2012, 13" bought sep. 2014 has some strange problems. It all startet when i was trying to wake it up after sleep mode. The screen stayed black and i had to reboot holding the on/off button. These problems occurred more often and one day it didn't even start anymore. So...
  10. Xbfryfd

    Does anyone know of any ARM code in MacOS

    I remember an article where you were able to get OS X 10.9 Mavericks running (kind of) on an iPad Air. I was wondering, does anyone know of any ARM code in newer versions of OS X or MacOS? Here is the article
  11. Jamesconnery

    Time Machine erasing external USB Drives

    Hopefully someone with better knowledge than I can tell me how to deactivate/delete time machine via terminal. With out any reason or warning time machine immediately formats any external hard drive attached to the system. I never used time machine ever and have always had it turned off. So far...
  12. N

    Bootable disk doesn't seem to work properly

    Hello! I'm trying to install Mavericks in an old MBP 15" 2007 in which I have a Snow Leopard OS. I'm trying to do it from a bootable USB disk but I'm getting nowhere. I've done this exact same installation with the same USB device with 2 other different MBP 15" 2007 and it has work perfectly...
  13. vincenzo79

    Mac Pro 1,1 With ATI Radeon 2600 XT with Mavericks

    Hello all, I would like to upgrade the Mac Pro from 10.7.5 to 10.9, because unfortunately with the version currently in my possession no longer possible to do anything. Therefore I ask you some practical advice on how to operate. - If I have not understood badly you need to upgrade your...
  14. R

    Unable to Save Files on AFP Share

    We have a Mac server running on OS X Mavericks. This server hosts AFP network shares for our Mac users. Share permissions are administered via ACLs and Active Directory groups (the Macs are domain joined). Users are having issues saving to various folders within the shares. For example, if a...

    Utilising Macpostfactor to install Mavericks into a macbook 4,1 and 2,1

    Could someone please kindly guide me if there is any possibility that i can install Mavericks into my macbooks 4,1 and 2,1. As i read the guide from macpostfactor they have said that it is not recommended to install OSX Mavericks or Yosemite into these machines because of the GPU (GMA X3100...)...
  16. agarza8543

    problem with wifi on MacBook Pro maverick os

    please forgive my ignorance here, I just started using my sons MacBook Pro so I am extremely new at this. things have been going well but this morning I did something (before coffee) and now my wifi won't work. the internet shows an x in the icon on the top of the page. when I click it, it...