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  1. BLU237

    iPhone 13 Pro Max Do you notice the micro scratches on the Silver iPhone 12 Pro (Max)?

    Hey, after having "dark coloured" iPhones for 2 years now, i want to give the Silver iPhone 13 Pro Max a shot. Did those micro scratches bother you in day to day life, did you even notice them (on your 12 Pro model)? I'm also considering Gold to avoid the micro scratch topic + i never had a...
  2. D

    iPhone 7/Plus Iphone 7 matte black antenna bands

    Recently bought my Iphone 7 matte black. It went straight into a case after the purchase and yesterday when I was removing some dust trapped in the case, I discovered the antenna bands are full of micro-scratches. Just wondering some of the following questions on the iphone: 1. What is the...