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  1. Sorryguitarist

    My hard drives are being turned into “MyBook” and “EFI.” WHY???

    Why is this happening? This has happened with any type of storage - HDD, SSD, and flash drives. Example: “Drive A” works fine with 1TB of data. Then, when hooking it back up, my lap top turns it into “MyBook” and EFI” with both partitions showing no data. Would doing a fresh reinstall of...
  2. J

    Time machine could not complete backup

    I periodically run into this problem with my new 3TB drive. It's a WD MyBook, reformatted toHFS journaled. Now, I should be able to fix the problem by unmounting and remounting the drive. But I can't unmount the drive. I'd like to be able to get some information as to which programs are still...
  3. E

    4TB G-Drive auto rename to MyBook and delete all data (Yosemite)

    Hi, I've just purchased a 4TB G-Drive - Thunderbolt & USB 3.0, to use mainly as storage for caches, render and previews. I've connected it to a macbook pro with thunderbolt. All working great, at first. But, switching it on suddently it renamed itself as MyBook and all the data in it disappeared...