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new mbp

  1. omareletr

    14" M1 Pro MBP with 16GB vs 32GB RAM? (Video Editing)

    Hey all, I am super excited about purchasing the new M1 Pro MacBook Pro, but I'm not sure which configuration would work best for me. I mostly do video editing (4K footage) on Final Cut Pro X and minor photo editing on Photoshop. I usually have a million chrome tabs open though as well. So...
  2. S

    New Vega 16 and 20 GPU available

    So now if you were smart enough or lucky enough to have waited for these new options for your upgraded MBP and don't mind laying out the extra Benjamins, you can have a MBP with a graphics card that is balanced to the rest of the components. SST, multi cores, higher ram etc. While I am not...
  3. A


    I'm a creative, and very limited on tech issues, so thank you very much for any assistance you can provide. I have a 17" MBP 5.2 (probably 2009) that I absolutely love. Is there anyway I can continue to use it? SPECS: MAC OS: 10.6.8 Processor 2.8 GH Memory: 4GB I love that it's still works...