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noise cancellation

  1. ranjanr

    AirPods Max users complain about Active Noise Cancelling worsening after firmware update

    I was planning to buy Airpods Max and then i came through this article - where it is being reported that AirPods Max users complain about Active Noise Cancelling worsening after firmware update. Is it true ? Any such experience people are observing here ?
  2. sajlonix

    Active noise cancelation - firmware E3751

    Hey guys, wanna see someone else opinion.. dunno if i'm dumb or what ? but I genuinely think that new firmware made my Airpods Pro ANC much less efficient? does it make sense? I can hear surrounding noise much more than before.. Anybody notice this?
  3. S

    Airpods Noise Cancellation [Research]

    Hi all! I’m doing a project for my music class and I’m hoping to talk to some people who make use of Airpods noise cancellation technology in their regular listening habits. My project is tuning in (so to speak) on the ways people use technology to manage noise. If anyone would be willing to...