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  1. Apple fanboy

    November 2021 Activity Thread.

    Here we go again!
  2. Apple fanboy

    November activity thread.

    My second month of Apple Watch ownership.
  3. JohnEmmett

  4. buttongerald

    Post Your Desktop: November 2018

    A new month is upon us, so let's get to sharing.
  5. kotikcatroz

    Best iPhone X Cases [MERGED]

    I'm planning to get this device as a gift for a relative of mine who loves iPhones and will be thrilled to get this device. I want to get him also a great case that can provide solid protection but not be too bulky. I see some really nice looking cases that are already available on . I...
  6. U


    Great news!! My Jet Black 256GB iPhone 7 Plus was ordered October 11th 2016 and was given an estimated ship date of December 21st thru December 29th, 2016. However this morning, I received updated shipping information from AT&T stating that my new ship dates are November 30th, 2016 through...
  7. Nanotyrns

    iPhone 7/7Plus Pre-Order November Delivery

    Might as well get one started. If you are showing a mythical November delivery like I am, let's keep in touch here, shall we? Let's share our experience, delight in the irregularity of our updates and offer our love and support through the tough times. From our friend KdParker Here are some...