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older os

  1. marco114

    Getting SSL Errors today? This is why.

    If you are using an older MacOS like 10.12.1 or earlier. Any site you visit that uses Let's Encrypt SSL Certificates will no longer work. This is because the root ssl certificate is expired. Here's an article that explains it...
  2. B

    Boot Mojave SSD from Catalina MBP?

    I just bought a new MacBook Pro, which I intended to downgrade to Mojave. However, clearly it can't since it shipped with Catalina. So, I thought of making a clone of my old MacBook Air hard drive which is Mojave, just to boot from when I need some older apps. Is this as simple and...
  3. C

    installing older macOS on external HDD

    I was wondering if someone could help me out. I am running Catalina but would like to install an older version os (sierra or el capitan) on an external and be able to boot from it. i have looked up some videos but I'm still having trouble. Any help would be really appreciated.
  4. amissus

    09 Macbook "kernel panic"....

    I upgraded to a used Mid 09 13" Macbook from a early g5 Imac. My Macbook has El Capitan(I bought it installed) and it has become unstable. I tried to go back to Mavericks, Yosemite but it won't let me. I can't be on it more than 10 minutes before it shuts down and shows the multi languages...