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  1. H

    HomePod Personal Requests on HomePod Mini

    I apologize if this has been answered already, I did look but couldn't find anything with my specific issue. I had the original HomePod and experienced the same issue however my new HomePod Mini just arrived and I am having the same issuie. When setting up my new HomePod it tells me that some...
  2. RumorzGuy

    Looking for Revanex Suite 1.0

    Hello folks. I run an old school BBS which serves as a type of software museum/repository/archive site where I collect old, abandoned and long forgotten Macintosh software. I believe that it is important that the younger generation is made aware of our computing history on the Macintosh...
  3. zrimkunas

    Check out uFly - an app that connects individuals for exchanging items and services.

    My company has made a new app called uFly that connects people who want to make some extra money with people looking to order items. The cool thing about uFly is that you get to specify how much you're willing to pay to have an item delivered to you. Other users can view your order and decide...