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password request

  1. L

    Keychain login problems

    MBP, mojave 10.14.2. upon log out/log in, restart, cold start after entering user name and password i get 8 password requests from keychain access, 7 ‘core’ services and safari for the user/me keychain. why would this happen? i’ve spent the last 3hours trying to figure this out between keychain...
  2. Thor774

    Activating iPhone's Restrictions breaks App Store's ask for password policy

    I found other vague threads about this issue but they were all ancient and none of them had an answer so I am starting this one. I wonder if there is someone else experiencing this issue. I can reproduce it every time. Several of my devices are affected: iPhone 5, iPod Touch, iPad 2, several...
  3. U

    Siri ALWAYS asks to unlock phone first

    When the screen is off, anytime I try to use siri it says "You'll need to unlock your iphone first" -I don't use a fingerprint to unlock the phone (or anything else, although I had apps store finger print enabled on ios9 without issue) -require passcode: after 4 hours -display and brightness...
  4. Jacob_DK

    Constant password request

    Dear Mac experts. I have a problem that I can't solve. Please help. 1. My setup: iMac 27" 4GHz quad. core i7 (two weeks old) + OS El Capitan + LaCie 6Tbyte external HD. 2. My problem: Two weeks ago I got my new IMac. Used migration assistant to move all files from my MBP to the new iMac...