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  1. C

    SpyCam (zipzapmac) not working - no option to open with rosetta

    Hello. I had this app running smoothly on my 2009 MBP and it's now not working in the Mac Mini M1. I tried to check if I could force it to use rosetta, since it's an intel app but I don't even get that option in the "get info" window - is there any other way to force it to use rosetta? Thanks
  2. JippaLippa

    Can somebody with an M1 kindly test if an app opens through rosetta 2?

    Hello everyone. In my workflow I use plenty of high profile applications, which I'm sure can be used with the current M1 processors (either in native or rosetta 2 translation mode), but there are also a few smaller applications I rely on, that I'm not sure would open on an M1 chip...