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  1. elliottcable

    Resolved Display rotation for multiple displays?

    I've just added a new display to my setup; and I'm trying to use my previous two displays vertically. Unfortunately, any time I select one of my three displays, and tell it to "Rotate" in System Preferences … any previously-rotated displays reset to their horizontal rendering. I can't, no...
  2. cezar.popescu.89

    Image Plus - Watermark, Rotate and Convert Photos

    My name is Cezar Popescu and I am the CEO of 64BitApps, a software company that develops Mac apps. For more info please visit I am starting this thread as a developer on behalf of my company because I want to let you know about our Mac app called Image Plus. Fine-tune...
  3. L

    App that lets you freely rotate video (not snap 90 degrees)

    hello, i am having a hard time trying to find a video editor for the iphone that lets you freely rotate/crop a video, all of them can just snap it 90 degrees, but i have videos that are slightly off kilter that i want to slightly rotate so they are level. if that makes sense. thank you for any help
  4. dawindmg08

    Do iPhone videos have an "orientation" flag?

    Weird question: do videos shot on the iPhone have an inherent orientation flag -- i.e. something that tells other devices to play it back properly rotated if it was shot landscape versus portrait? Just had a weird issue with a website for interactive video ( and i dropped in a...