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  1. Chuckeee

    Guess Larger than iMac 27" M3 Starting Price

    What is your guess for lowest entry level large screen M3 iMac assuming: Smallest Screen that is 27” or larger For US purchase US cost in $ No discounts Available to general public No trade-in Lowest level M3 processor to be offered with a large screen Smallest RAM & SSD to be offered (even...
  2. Chuckeee

    Resolved Piecing out Dead 💀 iMac

    This is NOT an offer to sell anything. Just trying to get opinions on what makes sense to salvage The victim: Late 2012 27” iMac 2560x1600 screen (not a retina screen) With optional 3.4GHz Quad Core i7 (Ivy Bridge) processor With optional NVIDAV 675MX Graphics Card 32GB of DDR3 Memory Dead HDD...
  3. AphoticD

    Early Intel - Trash or treasure? MacBook Pro 2008

    Trash or treasure? In follow up to our Early Intel thread, I just wanted to share a story about this treasure of a Core 2 Duo which I was able to salvage. I recently took a gamble on this rough looking Mac... "APPLE MACBOOK PRO SCREEN SMASHED UNTESTED PARTS ONLY" I had no idea which model...