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  1. Frantisekj

    All Devices Combining Siri, shortcuts and voice control

    Hi, Is there any chance that there would be possible to mix all this together in one shortcut that would manage situation like: I launch some messenger or launched new message for some contact then prompt listening in other language than is on of Siri, dictate message a then with voice command...
  2. EyeTack

    2017 rMBP USB Peripherals Fried

    Crew, I've had a couple very interesting things happen to peripherals connected to my 2017 rMBP (MacBookPro14,3) in the last 24 hours. I have this machine from my workplace. I was booted into an OS on an external SSD which stopped working in the middle of the day. I presumed that it...
  3. J

    Short Circuit Start on a Macbook? Anybody tried this?

    Hey everyone, my macbook decided not to come on the past few days, and I found this method on the internet. Has anyone tried this? Cheers!