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siri & reminders

  1. anehzat

    iPhone If you could use ChatGPT as a backup brain.

    Do you think Qwerki (a ChatGPT powered personal assistant) could help you better manage your day?
  2. E

    Siri gets fixated on the word car. Any other weird behavior you've seen?

    I had a weird experience with Siri yesterday. I wanted to remember to plug my Tesla in when I got back from running some errands. So I say, "Hey Siri, remind me to plug in my car when I get home." Easy, right? 'Ok, I will remind you to "plug in your car" when you get in the car.' I tried seven...
  3. S

    Announcing Notifications not working?

    So fairly new to IOS, got a Latest IPAD & now a Iphone 14 on IOS 16.02 All I want to be able to do is for SIRI to read out reminders when they appear So I done the following Settings -> Accessibility -> Announce Notifications - ON -> Announcing settings -> Reminders On Tested with a reminder...
  4. MacConvert07

    Siri not able to create reminders (occasionally), says there's no app for that

    Sometime in the last few months, upon asking siri to create a reminder (for example "Hey siri, remind me on Monday to call my sister.") occasionally she'll tell me she can't create the reminder because there's not an app installed to do that. I forget the exact language she uses. Then she...