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  1. 0

    Please cut back on Apple TV content news, or at least consolidate them into a mega thread

    It's becoming increasingly like browsing IMDB.
  2. G

    Mobile site scrolling issues, anyone?

    For a while now (maybe the past several weeks?), I have been having trouble with scrolling on the site. It jitters sometimes as I scroll up or down. I’ve attached a video that shows what I’m talking about, in which the jitter is actually not that strong, but sometimes it’s really quite bad. I’m...
  3. Apple fanboy

    Problems with MR on Safari on iOS today?

    Anyone else experiencing phantom notifications or having read a thread, it's still appearing in your followed threads as if there was a new post? Then when trying to reply to @Scepticlescribe post I got this Also when I typed @Scepticalscribe above I didn't get the usual pop up of possible...
  4. H

    Ads services

    I'd like to know if there are any banner/ads services you recommend, for websites. Simply, thanks!
  5. MusicaofTrance

    Updating Google+ Share Button Icon?

    This is really tedious but just curious on how this works for here and other website. I noticed MacRumors and multiple sites still use older share buttons for either Google+ or Twitter and wondered how they are coded in and how they could be updated. Is it easy to update a site's share button...