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  1. alex_free

    SM64EX Creator - Build A Super Mario 64 Native Port For Intel Tiger With An Easy To Use All In One GUI This software can create a native Super Mario 64 Port for Mac OS X 10.4 Intel Tiger on your Mac's desktop with an all in one easy to use GUI. It compiles my fork of SM64EX. Currently this requires...
  2. alex_free

    SM64GSW v1.4 now available for PPC Mac OS 8-9, Mac OS X 10.3.9-10.6.8, & More

    I wrote this program last year in C89/Ansi C. It allows you to write GameShark codes directly into a given Super Mario 64 ROM file. Useful for emulators like sixtyforce (mac os 8-9 version, running great on the Mac mini G4 - ) which do not have the...
  3. alex_free

    SM64EX Leopard Compiler Is An Easy To Use GUI That Builds The SM64EX Port On PowerPC Leopard SM64EX is a native Super Mario 64 port derived from the decompilation of Super Mario 64. SM64EXLC is an easy to use, point and click...
  4. alex_free

    2-19-2021 - SM64GSW Writes GameShark Codes To A USA SM64 ROM On Mac OS X 10.3.9-10.6.8, Finally Can Use SM64 Cheat Codes In SixtyForce...

    Official Web Page | GitHub SuperMario64GameSharkWriter is an open source 3-BSD licensed command line program written in C that writes GameShark/Xploder64 codes into a Super Mario 64 USA ROM (must be .z64/big endian format), and modifies the CRC check if neccesary (making this an alternative to...