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  1. TheSynchronizer

    A list of tweaks & fixes to try if you're experiencing high SSD writes on M1

    A list of tweaks/fixes to try to fix excessively high writes on M1 Originally all suggested by me in ssd swap - high usage of Terabytes Written, doing these has reduced my M1 daily SSD write from ranges of 350-500GB to 25-50GB, while maintaining the same heavy workflows and not losing any...
  2. E

    M1 massiv problems: 700GB drive usage each day, stuttering music and much more

    Hello to all M1 users, I have my Mac mini (16gb) for about a week now, and it is horrible. The Mac is connected to one 4K screen and one FHD screen. I am using Chrome, Safari, Zoom, Tidal and sometimes PyCharm and Xcode. If I start one or two Xcode simulators, my sound starts stuttering for...