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  1. Alfred.Woodden

    Macbook Pro 14 base model gets luke warm on palm rests with light tasks

    I've noticed that my new M1 Pro 14 base model gets slightly warm on the palm rests when doing very light tasks like having Mail and messages running in the backgorund and one or two safari windows with 4-5 tabs in each and installing or updating say Firefox. This causes my palms to get slightly...
  2. S

    My endless iPhone X case search continues, vol 2

    I thought about adding this post to the merged iPhone X case thread, but I don't want to hijack that. At least this way people who want to ignore my post won't have to scroll past it in that thread or the responses from people who are sick of reading about my requirements. My needs are overly...
  3. jhock

    Other Touch Screen response with sweaty fingers

    I've spent an hour searching on this topic but can't find much information. How well do various touchscreen models respond to sweat? I'm a seriously into fitness and find that during gym sessions i can't operate my iPhone 6 screen whilst my hands are sweaty. Is their any new tech in the 6s, 7...