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  1. S

    Syncing Music (MP3 files) using iTunes , from Laptop to Legit & updated iPhone

    Hi Request your help to sync music (MP3 files) using iTunes , from Laptop to Legit & updated iPhone for the sake of understanding, please note that I have approx 200 MP3 files on my iTunes folder on my computer, but I have only 100 MP3 files on my iPhone, that only approx 50 of these are...
  2. S

    iPhone 7/Plus are voice memos from (encrypted) backups available as plain / open files on laptop ?? or is the synch process always UN ENCRYPTED ?

    Dear all I'm an iPhone lover for all it's safety features I've always encrypted my iPhone backups and done them using iTunes All my apple devices are legit and NO jailbreak etc. all updated to latest OS But today I was in for a small shock when I found my iPhone voice messages (from voice...