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tableview sections

  1. S

    iOS How to prevent a repetition of making new VC's

    Hi, I have a feature in app, where I have a list of items through tableView(1), when clicked on item, it redirects me to a new VC(2) (contains imageView, TextField, button). A button on the new VC redirects to a new VC containing a new list of items (to-do list for particular item). Because im...
  2. G

    iOS Section Footer Overriding Table View Data Cells for Expand or Collapse

    Hi, My app has Expand or Collapse Functionaly, So to achieve that i have a table view with 7 Sections and each section has a header and footer with around 20 rows in each section, Initially I was only showing Headers of all the Sections by setting their height and hiding the footers and rows...