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  1. S

    Cydia ios 9.3.2 semi jailbreak tweaks not showing up and no packages in sources

    On my Cydia all my tweaks/packages dont show up on installed and changes its completely blank. Also when i go on sources its blank. Is there anyway to fix this problem because i cant restore it after all apple has stopped signing 9.3.3
  2. Iphone_girl_canada

    JailBraked Iphone Bluescreen

    Hi i have Iphone 6 ios 8.1.2 jailbraked with Taig. Last morning i was using safari and then suddenly it got stuck. After 2-3 seconds blue screen flashed and phone restarted. After restart barrel was not working, wifi cant be set to on from settings and apps wont start even Cydia (open then...