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time tracking

  1. Jeehut

    FreelanceKit: Time Tracking for all  Platforms

    Hey everyone! 👋 I couldn't find any affordable, native, and multi-platform app to track my time I'm working as a freelancer, so I built one myself. It's called "FreelanceKit" and it's super cheap but has everything I need: Support for multiple projects Fully editable & filterable history of...
  2. Markalbuk

    Advice on an effective time tracker

    Looking for an effective time tracker, can you suggest any
  3. mudflap

    Viable alternative to Billings Pro for Mojave?

    Hi everyone. Sorry if I'm not posting this incorrectly, never did this before. I've been using MarketCircle's Billings, then Billings Pro, for more than a decade. I currently use Billings Pro hosted on my own "server" to avoid the monthly fee, but that is being discontinued and it looks like...
  4. mrmsdbdl

    iPhone Superday

    Today, I noticed the release of this app called Superday and I find it quite nice actually. It’s basically like Moves but it doesn’t belong to Facebook. There is no need for an account and it has a nicer interface in my opinion. I really hope this will be the replacement for Moves. On the plus...
  5. MrMage_

    Timing 2 - Automatic time & productivity tracking for Mac

    Hi, I just wanted to announce the release of my new app, Timing 2. Timing observes how you use your Mac and categorizes your activities. You can see how you spent your time and how productive you were, with a great timeline that shows when you did what. It also shows you your most productive...
  6. rcorai

    Time Tracker app for mac?

    I would like to know if anyone has any experience with a time tracker app for mac. I found a lot of different apps but not sure what's the best. Any suggestion?
  7. Qot

    Qbserve – Automatic Private Time Tracker

    Hi MacRumors readers! We always wanted a powerful productivity tracker for OS X that doesn't send our data anywhere. So here's our app, Qbserve. It gives you instant answers about the way you spend your time by intelligently observing active apps. Qbserve provides everything you need for...