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  1. S

    Mac full despite optimizing storage!

    I have 2Tb of iCloud storage. On my MacBook I have 500GB. I keep getting "Mac storage is full" messages which keeps me from getting any work done. With Optimize Mac Storage on, shouldn't Mac automatically "throttle" what's on my MacBook so I can keep using it? In System Prefs, it shows...
  2. A

    MacBook Pro failure or SSD failure?

    Hi, The other day I upgraded my MacBook Pro 2011 (with an SSD) from Yosemite to High Sierra, it rendered it unusable. I attempted to do a clean install but it kept falling or stopping. I've now reinstalled Snow Leopard from the DVD that came with the MacBook (this took 17hrs). Again it's...
  3. B

    Unusable Mac

    Recently, my bootcamp partition crashed. And then I start realising extremely slow performance on my macOS side to the point is as good as unusable. Every click results in a spinning beach ball. At first I thought it was a storage issue, which is weird cause I have 30gb still on my mac...